Protect Your Peace

Protect Your Peace

Lakenda Wallace

These days are hard for many of us. Whether we see ourselves sitting in the Left or Right aisles, there are some points of reference and government architecture we have come to rely on--now all under attack. It can make for a real nervous system shake up! 

I myself had at least two weeks where I could not work at my usual pace. News headlines sent me into a emotional spirals that made focus and calm extremely difficult. Then I remembered, I have tools for this. I remembered the power of meditation and perfume, a simple brain hack for supporting your emotions.

Violet Flame is the perfume of calm. Clary Sage, violet, rose, lavender, and green pearl tea create a cloud of peace you can relax into. It creates a bit of a bubble of calm, I can then leverage to get back in the driver's seat of my parasympathetic nervous system and amygdala.*

Meditation was the immediate next step. I did a grounding exercise to avoid the doom-spiraling emotions. Deep breathwork helps as a first step, but then adding visualization, especially when tied to calming scents is an easy way to shift your mood and take back the power over your emotional state. Your sensitivity and empathy are superpowers...and every hero goes through the journey to understand how to manage their abilities.

Try this exercise with essential oils or your favorite perfume.

(1) the visualization of the spine extending (energetically) into the Earth and anchoring at the very center of the Earth. The cord fits like your key slipping into your personal lock. 
(2) Bringing the attention back to the heart, add a drop of golden sun light into the heart and watched it expand throughout the entire body. It soaks into every cell, releasing negativity and any energy which no longer serves. This released energy automatically flows down and out the spinal grounding cord to be recycled at the center of the earth. (3) Put your attention back on your body. I am aware that the energetic perception of my body is much larger than the physical body. Think "personal space." I images the aura of my body is 18" all the way around. Solid with no rips or tears. I then imagine it colored a deep, cobalt blue. Why? Because blue is a defining line. This energy is mine and that is yours. For sensitives and empaths, it is super helpful for quieting the mind. 
(4) put your attention back on your body. Feel yourself in the room you are in and begin to notice the sounds in the room. Open your eyes and bring yourself back into the present. 

Keep breathing. These creative visualization techniques work because your brain believes what you tell it. You can doom spiral and worry and your brain will believe all the horrible things you are telling it. Perspective is a game-changer. Decide that you can release negativity and other people's negative energy sent your way. You do not have to hold onto that. You should not hold onto that. Then breathe deeply. Strangely enough, you will feel lighter and calmer very quickly.

Protect Your Peace. You do not need to stay up-to-date with EVERY news moment. Choose when and how you will tap in. Remember, protecting your peace is self-care. Sometimes that self care is protesting because you need action. Sometimes that self-care is a long hot bath because you need rejuvenating. Sometimes that self-care is making a date with friends to watch a silly movie because laughter is medicine.

Take care of yourself and remember the tools you have to help yourself be at peace. Look out for more upcoming classes online and through socials for some quick tips and tricks to stay sane through the outside world insanity. In any case, remember the lesson of the airplane mask...take care of yourself first, so you have the breath in your body to take care of others.

We will get through this one step at a time...together. But for today, remember to protect your peace.


Efficacy of Lavender Essential Oil in Reducing Stress, Insomnia, and Anxiety in Pregnant Women: A Systematic Review
Clary Sage Essential Oil and It's Effects on Human Mood and Pulse Rates: an in vivo Pilot Study
The Effects of Aromatherapy with Rose essential oil on apparent anxiety in patients with myocardial infarction
Sedative Effects of Jasmine Tea Odor and linalool, one of the major odor components, on the autonomic nerve activity and mood states
Mind-Body Interventions in Oncology